Health Packages

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines Health as a state of complete physical, psychological and mental wellbeing and not merely the absence of any disease.

In today’s world most of the people are either so busy with their work or are consumed by gadgets that they don't give much care to their health. In such scenarios it’s better to take a health package (Health screening test or Health check-up packages) as we should be aware of our health condition.

Health packages are medical tests offered by healthcare providers to individuals or groups to assess their likelihood of having a particular disease. They are designed to enhance preventive care, and provide cost-effective options for patients. Health packages aim to promote early detection of health issues, manage chronic conditions, and maintain overall well-being.

Health Packages come in various tiers or levels of coverage to cater to different needs and budgets. Patients can select packages that meet their specific health goals and medical requirements. These packages can help you discover the illness even before they appear. A quick attention to the identified illness at early stage not only saves you hard earned money but your suffering from severe illness which is more essential.

Cistron Diagnostic Reliable lab (CDRL) offers various health packages at a fixed price which can save  your money compared  to paying for each test separately to find the hidden illness ( if there are any) within your body. Please go through the packages listed below and find a suitable package for you.

# Always keep eyes on your most valuable asset i.e. health.






Posted Date: 2023-09-23 00:00:00

Author: Admin