Fasting: Our religious practice & things to take care of to get benefited


Why do we celebrate Vijaya Dahami?

Vijaya Dashami, the major festival of our country Nepal is celebrated to rejoice the day of victory of goddess Durga over Mahishasur. The initial nine day of this festival is known as Navaratri. On each day an incarnation of Goddess Durga is worshipped and the tenth day is a time to celebrate the ultimate victory of good over evil.

Why people observe a fast?

During Navaratri devotees observe a fast as it is believed that those who fast for nine day are bestowed by goddess Durga. “We fast not to please the Divine, but to cleanse our body” says Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. Scientific studies have also supported that fasting aids in detoxifying your body and enhances the body's digestive system. Medical literature indicates that fasting can help to reduce weight, lower blood pressure and cholesterol and decrease inflammation from chronic conditions. According to the World Health Organization, fasting helps to improve insulin sensitivity, has cardiometabolic benefits, boost your mental health and well-being, improve mood, helps to relieve stress, anxiety and depression.

Who should not keep a fast?

It is not advisable for elderly, those physically or mentally incapable of fasting, pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, people who are ill, not to observe fast.

Can people on medication keep fast?

For those who are on medication of chronic conditions e.g. Diabetes, Thyroid etc. it’s better to consult your doctor before starting the fast. If you feel unwell during a fast, rest, consider sipping some juice, and consult a clinician if your symptoms do not improve.

Things to take care of while fasting:

Stay Hydrated:

Most health authorities recommend approximately 2 liters of fluid every day to stay hydrated. The actual amount of fluid you need is quite individual because we get 20–30% of the fluid from food, which is the reason to get dehydrated while on a fast.

Even mild dehydration can result in fatigue, dry mouth, thirst, and headaches, so it’s important to drink enough fluid on a fast. Drinking plenty of water will help you flush out the toxins from your body. If you are allowed, eat hydrating foods like watermelon, cucumber, papaya and drink herbal teas, moderate amounts of milk and fruit juices.

Don't drink too much water at once as it can dilute your body's electrolytes, inducing a potentially fatal condition called water intoxication. Avoid taking caffeinated drinks and soda as they can dehydrate and sap out water from your body.

Don’t break fast with feast:

It is advised to eat normally after fast and then get back to your regular eating routine. After the fast its natural tendency for us to go and celebrate by eating heavy meal. This tendency is actually not beneficial for our health as it causes bloating or distention and leads to discomfort.

If you are on a weight loss program, consuming heavy meal after fast will negative impact on it because total calories consumed per day impacts your weight. The excessive calorie consumed after fast will reduce your calorie deficit causing slowing down or halting your weight loss.

Avoid Junk Food:

Junk foods are highly processed foods that contain abundance of calories in the form of sugar and fat with little to no vitamins, minerals, or fiber.

When the digestive system breakdown the junk foods, carbohydrates are released as glucose into the bloodstream, increasing blood sugar level. Over time, this may affect the body’s normal insulin. This increases the risk of type 2 diabetes, weight gain and obesity etc.

Fast foods have high levels of sodium that can lead to water retention causing rise in blood pressure which have negative impact on our kidney and cardiovascular system.

Trans-fat in junk food increases the body’s bad cholesterol level and reduces good cholesterol level. This often results in diabetes and heart ailments.

Always take healthy food that includes whole grains, vegetables, fruits, lean protein, healthy fat which are important to give your body all the nutrients it needs.

Eat Nuts:

During fasting, choose foods that not only keep you full but also provide essential nutrients to support your body’s needs. Nuts, with their combination of healthy fats, protein, and fiber, are an excellent choice for maximizing satiety and nutritional intake during fasting.

Go for walk or Meditate:

Though fasting is not easy, try not to be completely sedentary. Strenuous exercise is not a good during fast as you can quickly become dehydrated. Carry 15-20 minutes for a brisk walk, yoga or stretching, which will help you maintain your fitness even during festive season keeping your energy up during the day.

Meditation is any practice or technique that helps you to train your awareness or attention. The goal is to calm the mind; increase awareness of the self and body and to connect with the world around us. Meditation is considered as a practice that brings the user closer to God or enlightenment.

Have a good sleep:

Sleep is a critical component of any fasting regimen. It plays a pivotal role in conserving energy, promoting cellular repair, regulating hormones, maintaining mental and emotional well-being, improving digestion, enhancing willpower, and supporting overall metabolic health. To maximize the benefits of fasting, it's essential to prioritize and maintain a healthy sleep schedule.

# Stay Healthy & enjoy the festival

Cistron Diagnostic Reliable Lab(CDRL) wishes you Happy Vijaya Dashami 2080.

Posted Date: 2022-10-13 00:00:00

Author: Admin